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Why choose steel framing?

Precision Engineering and Manufacturing

  • CNC layout and cutting to precise specifications for more accurate construction

Non Combustible

  • cold-formed steel does not burn and will not contribute to the spread or intensity of a fire. Research has also set the melting point of steel at approximately 2700°F, which means that is will not melt in a building fire, where temperatures average 1000°F and almost never exceed 1800°F.

Quality and Workability

  • No warping, twisting, bowing or bending

  • No Shrinking, cracking or twisting.

No Termites

  • Unlike wood, Steel framing is not susceptible to termite damage eliminating the need for routine termite maintenance and fees.


  • Steel has the highest strength to weight ratio compared to wood.

  • Steel framing is not subceptable to rot, mold. or mildewing which can weaken the structural integrity of wood framing.

No Mold, Mildew or Toxix chemicals

  • Unlike wood framing, steel framing will not mold or mildew if exposed to moisture. 

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